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Meet the team – Kie Dobson

Kie Dobson, Business Development Manager in our Roofing Division tells us about a typical day at work, what he likes about his job, his many pets and what he wanted to be when he grew up.


Name: Kie Dobson

Job title: Business Development Manager – Roofing Division

How long have you worked for Glidevale Protect?

Just over two and a half years.

Talk us through a typical working day.

Spending a lot of time in the car singing, in between meeting current and potential customers.

What do you most enjoy about the work that you do?

Meeting new people daily.

Key productivity hack?

I have my ‘to do’ list on the iPhone lock screen, so I can’t escape it even if I’d like to!

What music do you like listening to?

Arctic Monkeys, Lana Del Rey, early Kings of Leon, Muse, Nirvana.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Scrooge McDuck. Diving into a pool of money. This still applies today!

Who inspires you?

My children.

What TV show are you binge watching at the moment?

Then You Run. Solid first episode.

Favourite film?

Magnolia. It’s a thought-provoking film that intertwines characters seamlessly. Although it is three hours long.

Ideal dinner party guests (dead or alive)?

If they were dead, it would be pretty awkward!

And what would you have to eat / drink?

Depends on who’s paying. I’d supply the Jager though.

I can’t get through the week without…

A flat white and sarcasm.

Staycation or exotic holiday?

Exotic. There’s a whole world to explore.

By the beach or poolside? 

The beach, although I always seem to bring half of it back home.

Do you have any pets?

A guide dog Labrador in training, a chicken, hamster, tortoise, and fish. My girls seem determined to start a petting zoo. I’m not against it as long as they charge entry.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Other people’s opinions are just that. Always back yourself.

What’s the one job or profession you would hate to do? 

Anything medical would be a no for various reasons.

What do you dislike that everyone else seems to like?

Nandos. Fight me.

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Glidevale Protect is a division of Building Product Design Ltd.

Other subsidiaries include ventilation systems specialist Passivent and Kingfisher Louvres, manufacturer of aluminium louvres systems.

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